Tuesday, January 06, 2009


Well, this morning I had to drive my husband to work, so I went to the Y near his workplace. He only works about 7 miles from home, but there is a smaller Y in that area. It was a bit weird being in a new place. I hung up my coat and then looked around for a water fountain to fill up my bottle. I didn't find one my first look around, so I had to resort to asking someone who works there (not quite as bad as HAVING to read directions, but in the same category). OK... So I take a look at the cardio machines and they have a whole bunch of machines I've used before...

I chose an elliptical trainer, I wish I could remember the name of the manufacturer... nitro, power boost, rocket boost, cyber something.... It didn't have a Polar Heart Rate monitor reader, so I had to use the handle grips and those were placed weird and it wasn't until the second half or so of my workout did I figure out exactly HOW the machine wanted my hands placed. The programs on this machine also included Arm Blaster, where it would add resistance (push and pull) to the arm handles, so I did that - since I forgot to work my biceps and triceps yesterday. I did 43 minutes on that thing with an average heartrate of 148. I totally worked it the whole time. It felt good, and I was a little tired afterwards. My face was getting red more so than normal. Oh well.

Maybe I'll try going to that Y once a week or so for THAT machine. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woot! Go Kim go!

I did 40 minutes on the Wii Fit this morning...