Friday, January 02, 2009


Since my workout yesterday I have been hungry every 2-3 hours!!!!!! Holy smokes!!! I don't quite get it... some, yes I would understand, but not to this degree I've been hit with hunger. I'm being sure not to eat JUNK and doing my best to make the healthiest choices possible. It really is a big WOW though.. to be this hungry. I am easily eating 5 smaller meals per day. 5 smaller meals and maybe 1 or 2 snacks. If I'm going to be this active, I have to fuel my body. I just have to be sure to feed myself GOOD food.

Today I was at the Y for 41 minutes again on the elliptical trainer. Did intervals again, not as many though, my heart rate was otherwise hanging out in the upper 130's/low 140's. and I didn't think I needed to try much more for a GOOD workout. My average heart rate was 144.

I coerced the kids into going hiking with me ("you'll have NO CHANCE at more Wii time today unless you agree to go... " alright, fine... ). We went to Radnor Lake and did the Ganier Ridge Trail. I head my GPS in my pocket and "Gary" told me that we did 2.34 miles. A map though tells me we did 1.55 plus .24x2 which in my lame brain can't-do-math-in-my-head-even-simple-math is 2.05 approximately, hell, I might be off by one-tenth of a mile. (I'm TIRED). Well, anyways, it took us exactly one hour and 30 minutes - the kids took lots of breaks. It was kind of interesting, on the uphill climb, the toughest part of the trail (we went UP from the connector trail, not up from around the ridge from the Lake Trail) - when my HRM would start beeping at 140 was right around the time the kids said they needed to take a break. They were very consistent with that. Overall though, with all the breaks my average HR was 116 for that 90 minute period.

I'm feeling it in along the sides of my thighs and the tops of my quidriceps . ugh... I think I'm going to take some Advil for its anti-inflammatory properties tonight. I really need to back down from working out so hard. This weekend I will merely walk. I think tomorrow is going to rain, so no walking in the neighborhood. I can walk on the treadmill at the Y. Then soak in the hot tub. mmmmmm... that's what I need tonight...

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