Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Will do 3 for 3

I am SORE!  Achy achy leg muscles.  I've got a whiny-ass daughter who won't get off my case about every damned thing.  Everything I touch or think about or imagine FALLS down and SPILLS out all over the floor.  THAT WOMAN in the grocery store parking lot driving like a maniac, taking that turn too fast and then gunning it where **I** have to hit MY BRAKES for HER, and then she ceases to drive, she's just kind of moving around the parking lot then.  WTF!!!!!  I just want to leave.. go home, make lunch, drop, spill and knock-over everything in my vicinity.

But I had a good lunch. My gym clothes are in the dryer.  We'll go to the Y when they're done. I'll get the kids in the pool, and then I'll do my 30 minutes of cardio on the elliptical trainer.  And that will be day 3 of my plan for this week. Freakin' 3 for 3.

I'm sure somehow... SOME HOW... I'll feel better for it.

Smuggling in a beer, and sitting under an umbrella while I finish my book sounds even better.  Well, I'll have time for that (well, NO beer) at the pool this afternoon.... not cooking dinner tonight.  We can stay a bit longer than normal, I have about 80 pages left of my book, I'll even bring a new book along just in case... well, no.  I kind of miss listening to tunes in the shade.  That will be my reward for finishing a book.

I go to the Y, dressed and ready for a workout.  I take two bags with me.  One is the pool bag, sunscreen, waterbottle, pool toys.  Pool towels get carried by the kids.  The other bag is a gym bag; in it is my swimsuit and bath towel.  After I work out, I will shower to rinse off, then I dry off and change into my suit.  Gym clothes go into gym bag, which goes out and hangs out under an umbrella with me at the pool.  I've done this once before and it worked rather well.  The only thing I forgot was sandals and a cover up for when I'm leaving the Y.  I used a towel wrapped around me and wore sneakers.  I thought my swimsuit and athletic shoes were an interesting combination, even my pain in the ass daughter commented on this too.  but I've worn odder things before with my swimsuit (go to the Final Mental Image at the end)

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

2 for 2 According to The Plan

Yesterday was Monday, and I did 30 minutes of cardio at the Y as planned.  I intended to keep it easy, and keep my heart rate under 140, but somehow I ended up with an average HR for that time of 149.  Something still doesn't seem right about that - I know for a fact I was under 140 for about as much time I was above 150... so I think my AHR should be lower... but dont' feel like quibbling.

Today the plan was to do a total body strength workout.  While I like working with weights, its been a while.  Again, I told myself to take it easy.  I was maybe 70% through with all that I wanted to do and my energy just crashed, and I really didn't like how I was feeling.  I managed to do a little bit more - so so maybe I did 80% of what I intended to do.  It would have been nice to do more bi and tri work, another shoulder exercise, and at least one more ab exercise.  I was just wiped out and my head felt weird, very weird.  I decided to not push it.

Let's see... I didn't eat more than I needed to last night (although I did have some potato chips because there was just a little bit left in the bag) and I didn't drink anything more than wine with dinner.  Good for me.  I was tired late in the afternoon, but perked up in the evening and was awake until 11.  I slept horribly, waking up for different reasons and being kept awake for yet other reasons.  I had a decent breakfast... but I've learned my lesson this morning.  I need a much better, more solid breakfast on mornings I'm going to lift weights.  ugh!!!

I've just had some cottage cheese and cold pineapple chunks.  Yum!  That has hit the spot nicely.  I've got to remember I'm just starting out again... I've got to take it easier... and I need to remember better what worked for me in the past!  Oh well, its been awhile, I'll learn again.

Monday, July 05, 2010

Gotta move more

I don't like the way I'm feeling lately... tummy not settled,  not eating good for me food, drinking too much. And definitely not moving enough.

I need to eat less, that will help.  Eating smaller meals throughout the day is best for me I think.  Medium breakfast, mid-morning snack, light lunch, mid-afternoon snack, lighter-medium dinner.  Gotta do this.... so where am I today?  Its nearly 1pm, and I've only eaten an english muffin with cream cheese, and I've drank about 2/3 of a cup of coffee.  I'm now having some lemon-ginger tea sweetened with a spoonful of sugar.  I want to eat something else.  Maybe I'll have some tuna-salad scooped up with tortilla chips.

Yes, I will eat... let that settle and then go to the gym for 30 minutes of cardio.  I need this.  The plan I want for this week is as follows:

  • Monday, today, 30 minutes of cardio
  • Tuesday, 5 minutes warm-up, full body strength workout, 2-3 exercises per muscle group
  • Wednesday, 30 minutes of cardio
  • Thursday, 30 minutes of cardio
  • Friday, 5 minute warm-up, full body strength workout, 2-3 exercises per muscle group.
Maybe a hike Saturday... maybe.

I know when I've been active before, I'm better motivated to eat better. Junky food just isn't good fuel for being active.

I'll check in with this blog throughout the week.  I really need to do this plan.