Saturday, January 01, 2011

New Year

New Year, new things, new life, new opportunity.... same 30 (40?) pounds to lose. I'd think 30 is reasonable, very reasonable for a year. 40 I wouldn't push myself to do in one year.

Gotta think baby steps. Just walk a few miles each day. Wear my pedometer, get up to that 5 mile daily goal. And then we'll push it beyond. I really would like to become a runner again, a better runner than before. I'll start with walking, throw in bits of jogging. I need to learn how to use that foam roller I have - supposed to be good for IT band issues.

So, baby steps for me will be,
  • walking/simple cardio/hiking - at least 40 minutes per day. Every 10th day off.
  • two strength training workouts per week.
  • two stretching sessions per week
This is my plan for this month. I should be able to report daily here.

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