Sunday, January 02, 2011

Day Two

Earlier today I made my Minestrone soup - or rather I should say, I made Gourmet magazines Minestrone soup (recipe here)... yummmmmO!  This is the 3rd time I've made it in about as many months.  I once added up all the calories that went into making the soup, and I came up with 2,000.  When I decided that my servings of it are about 1/10th of it, I realized that's a 200 calorie bowl of super duper yummy lunch!  Well, thats not the only thing I have with it.  I generally pair it up with a pair of  White Castle Cheeseburgers from the frozen food section.  It is 290 calories, and just okay on the calorie vs filling me up department.  But a 500 calorie lunch that I LOVE and fills me up heartily is a wonderful thing.  Otherwise I'll have some kind of bread with it. Tomorrow I'm making ciabatta bread... mmmmmmmmm... that'll be guuuuuhhhd.  Can't wait.

Sooooo... I also got some exercise in.  I went to the park nearby and walked for 40 minutes.  Finished up with walking up all the stairs to the where the monuments are.  THAT got my heart rate up.  I peaked at 173... my average was otherwise 140.  Three times while walking, I jogged for a bit.  Felt good, and I actually had myself stop when my heart rate got up to 150.  **I'm supposed to be taking it easy with my workouts**  these are baby steps.

I'm proud of day two.

I look forward to a smaller me - clothes will fit better.  Exercise in itself will help me sleep better and give me more energy.

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