Saturday, January 01, 2011

Starting off

Well, when I got dressed this morning, I dressed in work out clothes. I also made sure I had eaten enough so that my energy wouldn't crash through the floor.

I was going to go to a nearby park that has a somewhat hilly walking path. As I got to the end of my street, I recognized what those bits of water were that was hitting my windshield - duh, rain! So I turned back and went home for my MP3 player.

I don't listen to anything but my surroundings when I'm outdoors exercising, and its just the opposite when I'm indoors - I need to listen to something, music, a podcast, a video, even tv if there's something decent on.

Well, enough about the details... I did 40 minutes on the treadmill. Simply walking. Kept it simple, in fact, I didn't even note how many miles I did. Oh well. As many people say about many things, it's not just about the numbers. I love my number crunching though. I did pay attention to the time, I did just over 40 minutes. My average heartrate was 127 and my peak was 144. That is just fine. Just fine.

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