Monday, September 08, 2008

Six is a lovely number

I stepped on the scale this morning and saw a number I haven't seen in a long while!! Woo-hooo!! I'm down six pounds from three weeks ago. I believe my weight could actually be lower, so I'll check it again in 3 days or so (my body is not ridding itself of waste matter anywhere close to the normal rate, and that's all I'll say on that).

I'm just now getting over a nasty cold that really knocked me down over the weekend. I last worked out on Thursday for 50 minutes of cardio. Thursday night I started to get a sore throat, it was still there Friday morning, by the afternoon I had sniffles and by the evening I had a full blown cold. I cancelled on Tom to go hiking with his group Saturday morning. And all day Saturday and Sunday, it really was too much to sit upright for more than 20 minutes. This cold really hit me hard.

And I've pouted a lot about this cold. As of today, it's been 3 weeks of working out regularly, 2 weeks of no junk food, and 1 week of no smoking. AND THIS IS HOW I GET REWARDED??? ughhh... not fair, and I know it's just bad luck, but still. I would really like some immediate nice rewards for my efforts at a healthier life.

Well, I have officially earned my Hot Kabob lunch for no junk food for two weeks. All the exercising and eating right has been rewarded with some weight loss. Hopefully not having smoked will be rewarded with this cold not turning into a cough that lingers for a month or two.

Tomorrow I'll be working with Tom again. I plan to pack for school before going to the gym. After my time with Tom, I'll do cardio for about 45 minutes, shower, change and head to school from there. My cardio time tomorrow will be really boring and basic walking on the treadmill, I expect I'll still be sniffly and needing to take it easy.

I'm very pleased with the six pounds the scale didn't show this morning. WAY TO GO KIM!!! I'm losing!! Eating less and moving more - it works!!

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