Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Another Two miles

I really thought I would be up for 3 miles, but I didn't like the way my right shin was feeling, and while it did feel better towards the end of 2 miles, I decided to be conservative and keep my run smaller at 2 miles.  I think a day or two off from running will be good for now.  I'm hiking tomorrow, that's definitely lower impact and I don't expect to feel that in my shin or anywhere else really.  I will aim for going to Pinkerton Thursday and do 2.5 miles - why not?  I'm itching to do more.

I found my heart rate monitor - both pieces, the strap and the chest piece had become separated (thank you dear daughter!), and then when I could only find one part, I couldn't find the other and vice-versa.  Someday I'll learn not to be such a slob.

I did my two miles in 34 minutes with an average heart rate of 145.  A pretty good workout if you ask me!

Overall, I think my goal will be to run 3-4 times a week with 1-2 other activities thrown in just to mix it up - hiking and inline skating.

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