Sunday, January 07, 2007

Got myself into the gym even though my legs were sore from my workout yesteday. I meant to do 30 minutes but I ended up doing 35 minutes! Yay me!! Yesterday at Target I got a heart rate monitor, it was a good price and I've been interested in one for quite a while. I did 15 minutes on the elliptical trainer, 10 on the Arc trainer and 10 on the bike. Felt good!

I also today looked up walking routes around work I could do at lunch. I was able to come up with a good one that is a 2 mile loop going over the river downtown twice! :) It'll be fun. And the weather forecast says no rain at least the early part of this week. I'm thinking about asking others at work if they're interested in joining me.... maybe. Let's see if I do it first of all... but then getting others involved is a good way to keep myself involved.

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