Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Things must change

I currently weigh the most I've ever weighed - and that includes being 9 months pregnant with big babies.

I haven't slept well all year.  Up until I started Ambien last week - I only had three solid nights of sleep all year. And even with 4 nights of Ambien under my belt - only one of those has been a solid night of sleep.

My blood pressure the other day was high.  140 over something.  Not good.

I want to fit into clothes better.  I want to feel better.  I KNOW that eating better and moving more will do wonders for me.  But its still so easy to turn to comfort foods and sit on my ass.

NO MORE.  At the doctors office I was 186. The last time I weighed myself I was 176 and that was bad enough.  I've known I've been getting fatter.

I just came across this quote I liked before and I need to have have this copies everywhere:

A body in motion wants to remain in motion. A body on the couch wants to stay there.

Soooo.... I need to go back to better habits, the habits that had me weighing 145 a mere 5 months after I had a 9 and ½ pound baby.

A good solid breakfast.  A good solid lunch, a good solid snack.  A healthy light dinner.  THIS MEANS NO JUNK FOOD.

Of course I like to reward myself with food.  I have a Spanish test a week from today.  If I get at least 30 minutes of cardio EACH day - and avoid junk food - then I am allowed my favorite chimichanga next week.  I think every week I will reward myself that way.  Nothing crazy - maybe the week after I will have a fantastic cheeseburger somewhere.

I have GOT to move more, and I have GOT to eat better.  Because I'm taking Ambien, I'm not drinking... soon enough though I won't be taking that and I will need to cut back my drinking another way.  Maybe make a deal with myself.  For every drink I have - I owe myself 15 minutes of cardio.  Maybe that'll be a start with negotiations with myself.

If I'm to get to 150 pounds - I've got quite a ways to go.  :(  I can do it that.  I just have to be determined.  This will actually be the first time I've really had to TRY, and try hard, to lose weight.

Tonight, it is my plan to go to the Y and do 30 minutes on the elliptical trainer.  Tomorrow I will dress for a hike and do 2.5-3-ish miles at Percy Warner, temps will be considerably cooler tomorrow, that will be GREAT.

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