Monday, July 05, 2010

Gotta move more

I don't like the way I'm feeling lately... tummy not settled,  not eating good for me food, drinking too much. And definitely not moving enough.

I need to eat less, that will help.  Eating smaller meals throughout the day is best for me I think.  Medium breakfast, mid-morning snack, light lunch, mid-afternoon snack, lighter-medium dinner.  Gotta do this.... so where am I today?  Its nearly 1pm, and I've only eaten an english muffin with cream cheese, and I've drank about 2/3 of a cup of coffee.  I'm now having some lemon-ginger tea sweetened with a spoonful of sugar.  I want to eat something else.  Maybe I'll have some tuna-salad scooped up with tortilla chips.

Yes, I will eat... let that settle and then go to the gym for 30 minutes of cardio.  I need this.  The plan I want for this week is as follows:

  • Monday, today, 30 minutes of cardio
  • Tuesday, 5 minutes warm-up, full body strength workout, 2-3 exercises per muscle group
  • Wednesday, 30 minutes of cardio
  • Thursday, 30 minutes of cardio
  • Friday, 5 minute warm-up, full body strength workout, 2-3 exercises per muscle group.
Maybe a hike Saturday... maybe.

I know when I've been active before, I'm better motivated to eat better. Junky food just isn't good fuel for being active.

I'll check in with this blog throughout the week.  I really need to do this plan.

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