Sunday, April 25, 2010

New Goals, new doings

I've got to get moving more.  My sleep has been crap for the last several months and I know one of the things I could be doing right would be to get some exercise everyday.

I was talking with a friend about running the other day (I still need to find my marathon attempt pic) and that got me thinking - I would like to run again.  It's a great exercise and it doesn't require much money beyond a good pair of shoes.

I'm going to find a 5K race about 2 months from now and aim for that.  I know I can do it.  It's not like I'm going to win the race, I just want to be able to run it and run it well.  3.1 miles is NOTHING!!!

So... first things first though... this week:  I want to run 3 times for 2 miles... and well, I might do 3 miles.  And of course I'm not much of a runner, I will be doing a run/walk, running as much as I can without knocking myself out.

Let's see... and other Lose Kim Lose type goals.... no junk food at all this week, and then Friday afternoon I can have my favorite chimichanga.  And if I study for my Spanish final as I have already planned for - then I just may pack a margarita to sip with my chimichanga!  HA!  I've had a beer at the YMCA pool with this pour-it-into-another-container-put-it-on-ice technique.

...and earlier thought today was, after running 20 miles, another treat should be mine.... but what was it I was thinking of????  I'm hungry now - should have had something for a snack this afternoon.  Just something.  Being hungry is not good.

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