Saturday, August 02, 2008

New Goals

I'm seriously considering new goals... yes, I still want to lose weight, but I've always thought it better to have a goal that wasn't simply a number.

I want to climb Mt. Rainier next summer. I'll already be out in Seattle that summer, I expect, for my 20th high school reunion, grandma and grandpa can watch the kids, Chris isn't ruling out that he would do this also. I've taken a look at one outfit that guides people up there, and its a four day expedition (for some reason I thought this was 2 days). What I would have to do is get into excellent shape... and ha! I just don't know much more beyond that. Get in great shape, strong legs, have a pair of hiking boots and spend serious hours walking with a heavy backpack.

And also... another goal I'm considering is to attempt another Marathon. I attempted the Country Music Marathon in 2006 (I got to 18.6 miles)... I think that if I continue working out hard, in a few months I would be in good shape to start training for the marathon with the Galloway group when they start up in late October or early November. I think this would be a very complimentary goal for the Mt. Rainier goal.

For both of these though, I gotta worry about my feet. My Plantar Fascia actually flared up 2 weeks ago for no apparent reason. I should start talking to serious shoe people now. I've had shit luck talking to podiatrists... this bullshit of starting off conservatively DID NOT HELP ME and really damaged their credibility to me. grrrrrrr.....

But in the next week or so, I will firm up the Mt. Rainier goal and by the end of September we'll see how a potential marathon looks. I will have a very full schedule when my school starts up again. I WILL HAVE TO GET UP EARLY TO EXERCISE OR RUN. I will have to. HAVE TO. So, we'll see if I can do it. Dammit - yes, I can do this. How badly do I want to do this? I really do. Doing a marathon and climbing Mt. Rainier can be my big adventures for 2009.

A life without big adventures just isn't worth living.

1 comment:

Cristina said...

I just stumbled on your blog by accident. I love reading Dooce and read your comment about Jon's clogs. Every now and then I click on other readers blogs and find myself laughing at what they write. I found your weight loss motivational... And funny. Especially your future rewards of a bag of Fritos and laser hair removal. We all need motivation sometimes and a bad of chips will do it for me too, at times. :)