But someone else I know is documenting her weightloss efforts, so I will do this too. Plus I enjoy going back and re-reading what I've written. It's nice to re-read the "oh lord I really don't want to do this" turned into "wow, that felt freakin' great!"
So, last weekend we got the kids their own inline skates. They had been sharing an old pair of mine on the back sidewalk and they were both reasonably good at it. So we got them each a decent pair of their own. I **KNEW** getting them their own skates would get ME out there moving more. And so it has been the case. In the 8 days we've have them, we've gone out 3 times now. 2 times to LP Field, where the parking lots are blocked to vehicles (no traffic to look out for) and plenty of sidewalks with no one on them. It's a great place to go to skate. The other time we w

Inline skating is a good workout. I've only worn my heart rate monitor once so far and it really has me working hard. This is great. I look forward to getting out and skating, listening to music and really getting into a good groove. Hopefully this week will give me some decent weather. It has to be DRY for skating - I don't mind cold much at all.
Today the kids and I skated for about an hour, downtown around the stadium again. I always feel it in my calves and in my outer thigh some. This is good. My plan tomorrow is to run/walk 3 miles as I've done a few times in the last several weeks before class (so that also means I have to have my homework done before then as well.) And in the afternoon hopefully have time for a strength workout. :)