I worked out with Tom, my personal trainer for the first time on Tuesday and that went fine. An hour is short, especially when I get there late, but he knows to expect me at 8:07 and not 8 because I'm getting the kids on the bus at 8:02. But anyways. He has a list of something in the neighborhood of 60 different exercises he's going to show me. We went through several Tuesday morning.
It was HILARIOUS to me to do sqats on the BOSU
thing, (pictured) I was SO wobbly it was just comical to me, and with Tom's help, I used two fingertips to help maintain my balance on that thing while doing squats. Tom had intended for me to be holding onto dumbbells on this, but I very much needed my hands for balance. I repeated this exercise by myself on Friday and I was better. I used a wall to help maintain balance but at the end of my sets of 15 I would do the last 3-4 of them with no balance aid. Yay me!

Overall my work out with Tom seemed mild, and not particularly grueling. I realize that the point of these sessions is to learn new exercises, not exactly to get in an entire workout. So, when I went back on Friday, I did 3 sets of all of the exercises (whereas with Tom I only did 2).
He also re-programmed my Heart Rate Monitor (HRM). I had had the high and low settings to beep at me, and I had them set where I considered a good workout to be, I think I had low at 120 and high at 160. Ughhhhhhhhhhh...... Tom set low to 70, and high to 140 and he admonished me "don't go above 140" ughhhhhh.... my first cardio under 140 felt entirely lame and boring. Yuck. But I'm going to follow what he says to do, I'm paying him for this advise, I might as well follow it. Another consideration is he does in fact know more than I do, and I will trust in what he tells me. Obviously what I'm doing hasn't exactly worked.
So overall this week I did cardio 2 times for 50 minutes each, and 2 strength training workouts. I plan to go back tomorrow and Monday and that will make 4 days in a row.
I have a deal with myself regarding food. If I go another week with no junk food, I can treat myself to this place by my school, Hot Kabob.... I'm totally going through a Greek/Middle Eastern phase with food lately. I've been packing a lunch to take to school, as my M-F class lets out at 12:10. I'm doing good and making good choices. I can probably lose 10 pounds just NOT eating junk food.